Source code for clip_client.client

import mimetypes
import os
import time
import warnings
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from functools import partial
from docarray import DocumentArray

    import numpy as np
    from docarray import Document
    from jina.clients.base import CallbackFnType

[docs]class Client: def __init__(self, server: str, credential: dict = {}, **kwargs): """Create a Clip client object that connects to the Clip server. Server scheme is in the format of ``scheme://netloc:port``, where - scheme: one of grpc, websocket, http, grpcs, websockets, https - netloc: the server ip address or hostname - port: the public port of the server :param server: the server URI :param credential: the credential for authentication ``{'Authentication': '<token>'}`` """ try: r = urlparse(server) _port = r.port self._scheme = r.scheme except: raise ValueError(f'{server} is not a valid scheme') _tls = False if self._scheme in ('grpcs', 'https', 'wss'): self._scheme = self._scheme[:-1] _tls = True if self._scheme == 'ws': self._scheme = 'websocket' # temp fix for the core if credential: warnings.warn( 'Credential is not supported for websocket, please use grpc or http' ) if self._scheme in ('grpc', 'http', 'websocket'): _kwargs = dict(host=r.hostname, port=_port, protocol=self._scheme, tls=_tls) from jina import Client self._client = Client(**_kwargs) self._async_client = Client(**_kwargs, asyncio=True) else: raise ValueError(f'{server} is not a valid scheme') self._authorization = credential.get( 'Authorization', os.environ.get('CLIP_AUTH_TOKEN') )
[docs] def profile(self, content: Optional[str] = '') -> Dict[str, float]: """Profiling a single query's roundtrip including network and computation latency. Results is summarized in a table. :param content: the content to be sent for profiling. By default it sends an empty Document that helps you understand the network latency. :return: the latency report in a dict. """ st = time.perf_counter() r = '/', self._iter_doc([content], DocumentArray()), return_responses=True ) ed = (time.perf_counter() - st) * 1000 route = r[0].routes gateway_time = ( route[0].end_time.ToMilliseconds() - route[0].start_time.ToMilliseconds() ) clip_time = ( route[1].end_time.ToMilliseconds() - route[1].start_time.ToMilliseconds() ) network_time = ed - gateway_time server_network = gateway_time - clip_time from rich.table import Table def make_table(_title, _time, _percent): table = Table(show_header=False, box=None) table.add_row( _title, f'[b]{_time:.0f}[/b]ms', f'[dim]{_percent * 100:.0f}%[/dim]' ) return table from rich.tree import Tree t = Tree(make_table('Roundtrip', ed, 1)) t.add(make_table('Client-server network', network_time, network_time / ed)) t2 = t.add(make_table('Server', gateway_time, gateway_time / ed)) t2.add( make_table( 'Gateway-CLIP network', server_network, server_network / gateway_time ) ) t2.add(make_table('CLIP model', clip_time, clip_time / gateway_time)) from rich import print print(t) return { 'Roundtrip': ed, 'Client-server network': network_time, 'Server': gateway_time, 'Gateway-CLIP network': server_network, 'CLIP model': clip_time, }
def _update_pbar(self, response, func: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None): from rich import filesize r = if not self._pbar._tasks[self._r_task].started: self._pbar.start_task(self._r_task) self._pbar.update( self._r_task, advance=len(r), total_size=str( filesize.decimal(int(os.environ.get('JINA_GRPC_RECV_BYTES', '0'))) ), ) if func is not None: func(response) def _prepare_streaming(self, disable, total): if total is None: total = 500 warnings.warn( 'The length of the input is unknown, the progressbar would not be accurate.' ) elif total > 500: warnings.warn( 'Please ensure all the inputs are valid, otherwise the request will be aborted.' ) from import get_pbar self._pbar = get_pbar(disable) os.environ['JINA_GRPC_SEND_BYTES'] = '0' os.environ['JINA_GRPC_RECV_BYTES'] = '0' self._r_task = self._pbar.add_task( ':arrow_down: Progress', total=total, total_size=0, start=False ) @staticmethod def _gather_result( response, results: 'DocumentArray', attribute: Optional[str] = None ): r = if attribute: results[r[:, 'id']][:, attribute] = r[:, attribute] def _iter_doc( self, content, results: Optional['DocumentArray'] = None ) -> Generator['Document', None, None]: from docarray import Document for c in content: if isinstance(c, str): _mime = mimetypes.guess_type(c)[0] if _mime and _mime.startswith('image'): d = Document( uri=c, ).load_uri_to_blob() else: d = Document(text=c) elif isinstance(c, Document): if c.content_type in ('text', 'blob'): d = c elif not c.blob and c.uri: c.load_uri_to_blob() d = c elif c.tensor is not None: d = c else: raise TypeError(f'unsupported input type {c!r} {c.content_type}') else: raise TypeError(f'unsupported input type {c!r}') if results is not None: results.append(d) yield d def _get_post_payload( self, content, results: Optional['DocumentArray'] = None, **kwargs ): payload = dict( inputs=self._iter_doc(content, results), request_size=kwargs.get('batch_size', 8), total_docs=len(content) if hasattr(content, '__len__') else None, ) if self._scheme == 'grpc' and self._authorization: payload.update(metadata=(('authorization', self._authorization),)) elif self._scheme == 'http' and self._authorization: payload.update(headers={'Authorization': self._authorization}) return payload @staticmethod def _unboxed_result(results: Optional['DocumentArray'] = None, unbox: bool = False): if results is not None: if results.embeddings is None: raise ValueError( 'Empty embedding returned from the server. ' 'This often due to a mis-config of the server, ' 'restarting the server or changing the serving port number often solves the problem' ) return results.embeddings if unbox else results @overload def encode( self, content: Iterable[str], *, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, show_progress: bool = False, parameters: Optional[dict] = None, on_done: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_error: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_always: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, prefetch: int = 100, ) -> 'np.ndarray': """Encode images and texts into embeddings where the input is an iterable of raw strings. Each image and text must be represented as a string. The following strings are acceptable: - local image filepath, will be considered as an image - remote image http/https, will be considered as an image - a dataURI, will be considered as an image - plain text, will be considered as a sentence :param content: an iterator of image URIs or sentences, each element is an image or a text sentence as a string. :param batch_size: the number of elements in each request when sending ``content`` :param show_progress: if set, show a progress bar :param parameters: the parameters for the encoding, you can specify the model to use when you have multiple models :param on_done: the callback function executed while streaming, after successful completion of each request. It takes the response ``DataRequest`` as the only argument :param on_error: the callback function executed while streaming, after failed completion of each request. It takes the response ``DataRequest`` as the only argument :param on_always: the callback function executed while streaming, after completion of each request. It takes the response ``DataRequest`` as the only argument :param prefetch: the number of in-flight batches made by the post() method. Use a lower value for expensive operations, and a higher value for faster response times :return: the embedding in a numpy ndarray with shape ``[N, D]``. ``N`` is in the same length of ``content`` """ ... @overload def encode( self, content: Union['DocumentArray', Iterable['Document']], *, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, show_progress: bool = False, parameters: Optional[dict] = None, on_done: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_error: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_always: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, prefetch: int = 100, ) -> 'DocumentArray': """Encode images and texts into embeddings where the input is an iterable of :class:`docarray.Document`. :param content: an iterable of :class:`docarray.Document`, each Document must be filled with `.uri`, `.text` or `.blob`. :param batch_size: the number of elements in each request when sending ``content`` :param show_progress: if set, show a progress bar :param parameters: the parameters for the encoding, you can specify the model to use when you have multiple models :param on_done: the callback function executed while streaming, after successful completion of each request. It takes the response ``DataRequest`` as the only argument :param on_error: the callback function executed while streaming, after failed completion of each request. It takes the response ``DataRequest`` as the only argument :param on_always: the callback function executed while streaming, after completion of each request. It takes the response ``DataRequest`` as the only argument :param prefetch: the number of in-flight batches made by the post() method. Use a lower value for expensive operations, and a higher value for faster response times :return: the embedding in a numpy ndarray with shape ``[N, D]``. ``N`` is in the same length of ``content`` """ ...
[docs] def encode(self, content, **kwargs): if isinstance(content, str): raise TypeError( f'Content must be an Iterable of [str, Document], try `.encode(["{content}"])` instead' ) if hasattr(content, '__len__') and len(content) == 0: return DocumentArray() if isinstance(content, DocumentArray) else [] self._prepare_streaming( not kwargs.get('show_progress'), total=len(content) if hasattr(content, '__len__') else None, ) on_done = kwargs.pop('on_done', None) on_error = kwargs.pop('on_error', None) on_always = kwargs.pop('on_always', None) prefetch = kwargs.pop('prefetch', 100) results = DocumentArray() if not on_done and not on_always else None if not on_done: on_done = partial( self._gather_result, results=results, attribute='embedding' ) with self._pbar: parameters = kwargs.pop('parameters', {}) parameters['drop_image_content'] = parameters.get( 'drop_image_content', True ) model_name = parameters.pop('model_name', '') if parameters else '' on=f'/encode/{model_name}'.rstrip('/'), **self._get_post_payload(content, results, **kwargs), on_done=on_done, on_error=on_error, on_always=partial(self._update_pbar, func=on_always), parameters=parameters, prefetch=prefetch, ) unbox = hasattr(content, '__len__') and isinstance(content[0], str) return self._unboxed_result(results, unbox)
@overload async def aencode( self, content: Iterator[str], *, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, show_progress: bool = False, parameters: Optional[dict] = None, on_done: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_error: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_always: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, prefetch: int = 100, ) -> 'np.ndarray': ... @overload async def aencode( self, content: Union['DocumentArray', Iterable['Document']], *, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, show_progress: bool = False, parameters: Optional[dict] = None, on_done: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_error: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_always: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, prefetch: int = 100, ) -> 'DocumentArray': ...
[docs] async def aencode(self, content, **kwargs): if isinstance(content, str): raise TypeError( f'Content must be an Iterable of [str, Document], try `.aencode(["{content}"])` instead' ) if hasattr(content, '__len__') and len(content) == 0: return DocumentArray() if isinstance(content, DocumentArray) else [] self._prepare_streaming( not kwargs.get('show_progress'), total=len(content) if hasattr(content, '__len__') else None, ) on_done = kwargs.pop('on_done', None) on_error = kwargs.pop('on_error', None) on_always = kwargs.pop('on_always', None) prefetch = kwargs.pop('prefetch', 100) results = DocumentArray() if not on_done and not on_always else None if not on_done: on_done = partial( self._gather_result, results=results, attribute='embedding' ) with self._pbar: parameters = kwargs.pop('parameters', {}) parameters['drop_image_content'] = parameters.get( 'drop_image_content', True ) model_name = parameters.get('model_name', '') if parameters else '' async for _ in on=f'/encode/{model_name}'.rstrip('/'), **self._get_post_payload(content, results, **kwargs), on_done=on_done, on_error=on_error, on_always=partial(self._update_pbar, func=on_always), parameters=parameters, prefetch=prefetch, ): continue unbox = hasattr(content, '__len__') and isinstance(content[0], str) return self._unboxed_result(results, unbox)
def _iter_rank_docs( self, content, results: Optional['DocumentArray'] = None, source='matches' ) -> Generator['Document', None, None]: from docarray import Document for c in content: if isinstance(c, Document): d = self._prepare_rank_doc(c, source) else: raise TypeError(f'Unsupported input type {c!r}') if results is not None: results.append(d) yield d def _get_rank_payload( self, content, results: Optional['DocumentArray'] = None, **kwargs ): payload = dict( inputs=self._iter_rank_docs( content, results, source=kwargs.get('source', 'matches') ), request_size=kwargs.get('batch_size', 8), total_docs=len(content) if hasattr(content, '__len__') else None, ) if self._scheme == 'grpc' and self._authorization: payload.update(metadata=(('authorization', self._authorization),)) elif self._scheme == 'http' and self._authorization: payload.update(headers={'Authorization': self._authorization}) return payload @staticmethod def _prepare_single_doc(d: 'Document'): if d.content_type in ('text', 'blob'): return d elif not d.blob and d.uri: d.load_uri_to_blob() return d elif d.tensor is not None: return d else: raise TypeError(f'Unsupported input type {d!r} {d.content_type}') @staticmethod def _prepare_rank_doc(d: 'Document', _source: str = 'matches'): _get = lambda d: getattr(d, _source) if not _get(d): raise ValueError(f'`.rank()` requires every doc to have `.{_source}`') d = Client._prepare_single_doc(d) setattr(d, _source, [Client._prepare_single_doc(c) for c in _get(d)]) return d
[docs] def rank( self, docs: Union['DocumentArray', Iterable['Document']], **kwargs ) -> 'DocumentArray': """Rank image-text matches according to the server CLIP model. Given a Document with nested matches, where the root is image/text and the matches is in another modality, i.e. text/image; this method ranks the matches according to the CLIP model. Each match now has a new score inside ``clip_score`` and matches are sorted descendingly according to this score. More details can be found in: :param docs: the input Documents :return: the ranked Documents in a DocumentArray. """ if isinstance(docs, str): raise TypeError(f'Content must be an Iterable of [Document]') self._prepare_streaming( not kwargs.get('show_progress'), total=len(docs) if hasattr(docs, '__len__') else None, ) on_done = kwargs.pop('on_done', None) on_error = kwargs.pop('on_error', None) on_always = kwargs.pop('on_always', None) prefetch = kwargs.pop('prefetch', 100) results = DocumentArray() if not on_done and not on_always else None if not on_done: on_done = partial(self._gather_result, results=results, attribute='matches') with self._pbar: parameters = kwargs.pop('parameters', {}) parameters['drop_image_content'] = parameters.get( 'drop_image_content', True ) model_name = parameters.get('model_name', '') if parameters else '' on=f'/rank/{model_name}'.rstrip('/'), **self._get_rank_payload(docs, results, **kwargs), on_done=on_done, on_error=on_error, on_always=partial(self._update_pbar, func=on_always), parameters=parameters, prefetch=prefetch, ) return results
[docs] async def arank( self, docs: Union['DocumentArray', Iterable['Document']], **kwargs ) -> 'DocumentArray': if isinstance(docs, str): raise TypeError(f'Content must be an Iterable of [Document]') self._prepare_streaming( not kwargs.get('show_progress'), total=len(docs) if hasattr(docs, '__len__') else None, ) on_done = kwargs.pop('on_done', None) on_error = kwargs.pop('on_error', None) on_always = kwargs.pop('on_always', None) prefetch = kwargs.pop('prefetch', 100) results = DocumentArray() if not on_done and not on_always else None if not on_done: on_done = partial(self._gather_result, results=results, attribute='matches') with self._pbar: parameters = kwargs.pop('parameters', {}) parameters['drop_image_content'] = parameters.get( 'drop_image_content', True ) model_name = parameters.get('model_name', '') if parameters else '' async for _ in on=f'/rank/{model_name}'.rstrip('/'), **self._get_rank_payload(docs, results, **kwargs), on_done=on_done, on_error=on_error, on_always=partial(self._update_pbar, func=on_always), parameters=parameters, prefetch=prefetch, ): continue return results
@overload def index( self, content: Iterable[str], *, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, show_progress: bool = False, parameters: Optional[Dict] = None, on_done: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_error: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_always: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, prefetch: int = 100, ): """Index the images or texts where their embeddings are computed by the server CLIP model. Each image and text must be represented as a string. The following strings are acceptable: - local image filepath, will be considered as an image - remote image http/https, will be considered as an image - a dataURI, will be considered as an image - plain text, will be considered as a sentence :param content: an iterator of image URIs or sentences, each element is an image or a text sentence as a string. :param batch_size: the number of elements in each request when sending ``content`` :param show_progress: if set, show a progress bar :param parameters: the parameters for the indexing, you can specify the model to use when you have multiple models :param on_done: the callback function executed while streaming, after successful completion of each request. It takes the response ``DataRequest`` as the only argument :param on_error: the callback function executed while streaming, after an error occurs in each request. It takes the response ``DataRequest`` as the only argument :param on_always: the callback function executed while streaming, after each request is completed. It takes the response ``DataRequest`` as the only argument :param prefetch: the number of in-flight batches made by the post() method. Use a lower value for expensive operations, and a higher value for faster response times :return: the embedding in a numpy ndarray with shape ``[N, D]``. ``N`` is in the same length of ``content`` """ ... @overload def index( self, content: Union['DocumentArray', Iterable['Document']], *, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, show_progress: bool = False, parameters: Optional[dict] = None, on_done: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_error: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_always: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, prefetch: int = 100, ) -> 'DocumentArray': """Index the images or texts where their embeddings are computed by the server CLIP model. :param content: an iterable of :class:`docarray.Document`, each Document must be filled with `.uri`, `.text` or `.blob`. :param batch_size: the number of elements in each request when sending ``content`` :param show_progress: if set, show a progress bar :param parameters: the parameters for the indexing, you can specify the model to use when you have multiple models :param on_done: the callback function executed while streaming, after successful completion of each request. It takes the response ``DataRequest`` as the only argument :param on_error: the callback function executed while streaming, after an error occurs in each request. It takes the response ``DataRequest`` as the only argument :param on_always: the callback function executed while streaming, after each request is completed. It takes the response ``DataRequest`` as the only argument :param prefetch: the number of in-flight batches made by the post() method. Use a lower value for expensive operations, and a higher value for faster response times :return: the embedding in a numpy ndarray with shape ``[N, D]``. ``N`` is in the same length of ``content`` """ ...
[docs] def index(self, content, **kwargs): if isinstance(content, str): raise TypeError( f'content must be an Iterable of [str, Document], try `.index(["{content}"])` instead' ) self._prepare_streaming( not kwargs.get('show_progress'), total=len(content) if hasattr(content, '__len__') else None, ) on_done = kwargs.pop('on_done', None) on_error = kwargs.pop('on_error', None) on_always = kwargs.pop('on_always', None) prefetch = kwargs.pop('prefetch', 100) results = DocumentArray() if not on_done and not on_always else None if not on_done: on_done = partial( self._gather_result, results=results, attribute='embedding' ) with self._pbar: parameters = kwargs.pop('parameters', {}) parameters['drop_image_content'] = parameters.get( 'drop_image_content', True ) on='/index', **self._get_post_payload(content, results, **kwargs), on_done=on_done, on_error=on_error, on_always=partial(self._update_pbar, func=on_always), parameters=parameters, prefetch=prefetch, ) return results
@overload async def aindex( self, content: Iterator[str], *, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, show_progress: bool = False, parameters: Optional[Dict] = None, on_done: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_error: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_always: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, prefetch: int = 100, ): ... @overload async def aindex( self, content: Union['DocumentArray', Iterable['Document']], *, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, show_progress: bool = False, parameters: Optional[dict] = None, on_done: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_error: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_always: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, prefetch: int = 100, ): ...
[docs] async def aindex(self, content, **kwargs): if isinstance(content, str): raise TypeError( f'content must be an Iterable of [str, Document], try `.aindex(["{content}"])` instead' ) self._prepare_streaming( not kwargs.get('show_progress'), total=len(content) if hasattr(content, '__len__') else None, ) on_done = kwargs.pop('on_done', None) on_error = kwargs.pop('on_error', None) on_always = kwargs.pop('on_always', None) prefetch = kwargs.pop('prefetch', 100) results = DocumentArray() if not on_done and not on_always else None if not on_done: on_done = partial( self._gather_result, results=results, attribute='embedding' ) with self._pbar: parameters = kwargs.pop('parameters', {}) parameters['drop_image_content'] = parameters.get( 'drop_image_content', True ) async for _ in on='/index', **self._get_post_payload(content, results, **kwargs), on_done=on_done, on_error=on_error, on_always=partial(self._update_pbar, func=on_always), parameters=parameters, prefetch=prefetch, ): continue return results
@overload def search( self, content: Iterable[str], *, limit: int = 10, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, show_progress: bool = False, parameters: Optional[Dict] = None, on_done: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_error: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_always: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, prefetch: int = 100, ) -> 'DocumentArray': """Search for top k results for given query string or ``Document``. If the input is a string, will use this string as query. If the input is a ``Document``, will use this ``Document`` as query. :param content: list of queries. :param limit: the number of results to return. :param batch_size: the number of elements in each request when sending ``content``. :param show_progress: if set, show a progress bar. :param parameters: parameters passed to search function. :param on_done: the callback function executed while streaming, after successful completion of each request. It takes the response ``DataRequest`` as the only argument :param on_error: the callback function executed while streaming, after an error occurs in each request. It takes the response ``DataRequest`` as the only argument :param on_always: the callback function executed while streaming, after each request is completed. It takes the response ``DataRequest`` as the only argument :param prefetch: the number of in-flight batches made by the post() method. Use a lower value for expensive operations, and a higher value for faster response times """ ... @overload def search( self, content: Union['DocumentArray', Iterable['Document']], *, limit: int = 10, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, show_progress: bool = False, parameters: Optional[dict] = None, on_done: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_error: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_always: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, prefetch: int = 100, ) -> 'DocumentArray': """Search for top k results for given query string or ``Document``. If the input is a string, will use this string as query. If the input is a ``Document``, will use this ``Document`` as query. :param content: list of queries. :param limit: the number of results to return. :param batch_size: the number of elements in each request when sending ``content``. :param show_progress: if set, show a progress bar. :param parameters: parameters passed to search function. :param on_done: the callback function executed while streaming, after successful completion of each request. It takes the response ``DataRequest`` as the only argument :param on_error: the callback function executed while streaming, after an error occurs in each request. It takes the response ``DataRequest`` as the only argument :param on_always: the callback function executed while streaming, after each request is completed. It takes the response ``DataRequest`` as the only argument :param prefetch: the number of in-flight batches made by the post() method. Use a lower value for expensive operations, and a higher value for faster response times """ ...
[docs] def search(self, content, limit: int = 10, **kwargs) -> 'DocumentArray': if isinstance(content, str): raise TypeError( f'content must be an Iterable of [str, Document], try `.search(["{content}"])` instead' ) self._prepare_streaming( not kwargs.get('show_progress'), total=len(content) if hasattr(content, '__len__') else None, ) on_done = kwargs.pop('on_done', None) on_error = kwargs.pop('on_error', None) on_always = kwargs.pop('on_always', None) prefetch = kwargs.pop('prefetch', 100) results = DocumentArray() if not on_done and not on_always else None if not on_done: on_done = partial(self._gather_result, results=results, attribute='matches') with self._pbar: parameters = kwargs.pop('parameters', {}) parameters['limit'] = limit parameters['drop_image_content'] = parameters.get( 'drop_image_content', True ) on='/search', **self._get_post_payload(content, results, **kwargs), on_done=on_done, on_error=on_error, on_always=partial(self._update_pbar, func=on_always), parameters=parameters, prefetch=prefetch, ) return results
@overload async def asearch( self, content: Iterator[str], *, limit: int = 10, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, show_progress: bool = False, parameters: Optional[Dict] = None, on_done: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_error: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_always: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, prefetch: int = 100, ): ... @overload async def asearch( self, content: Union['DocumentArray', Iterable['Document']], *, limit: int = 10, batch_size: Optional[int] = None, show_progress: bool = False, parameters: Optional[dict] = None, on_done: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_error: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, on_always: Optional['CallbackFnType'] = None, prefetch: int = 100, ): ...
[docs] async def asearch(self, content, limit: int = 10, **kwargs): if isinstance(content, str): raise TypeError( f'content must be an Iterable of [str, Document], try `.asearch(["{content}"])` instead' ) self._prepare_streaming( not kwargs.get('show_progress'), total=len(content) if hasattr(content, '__len__') else None, ) on_done = kwargs.pop('on_done', None) on_error = kwargs.pop('on_error', None) on_always = kwargs.pop('on_always', None) prefetch = kwargs.pop('prefetch', 100) results = DocumentArray() if not on_done and not on_always else None if not on_done: on_done = partial(self._gather_result, results=results, attribute='matches') with self._pbar: parameters = kwargs.pop('parameters', {}) parameters['limit'] = limit parameters['drop_image_content'] = parameters.get( 'drop_image_content', True ) async for _ in on='/search', **self._get_post_payload(content, results, **kwargs), on_done=on_done, on_error=on_error, on_always=partial(self._update_pbar, func=on_always), parameters=parameters, prefetch=prefetch, ): continue return results